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Therapy or Talking with the friend

Sometimes I hear from people – What’s the point of seeing a therapist if I can discuss my problems with my friends?

Let’s find out the difference between visiting a therapist and talking to friends.

One of the stereotypes about the therapy is only weak people visit a therapist as they are not able to solve their problems, weakness is not good.

Another stereotype is about money. You need to pay a particular amount of money an hour for therapy. People say they can share their thoughts with a friend and spend the money on something useful.

A Therapist listens to you differently than friends and loved ones. More attentively, with full focus on your words and asking clarifying questions.

A Therapist listens to you for

 - catching where your logic fails;

- finding out where your real pain points are;

- at what point you start to think stereotypically, and this leads you to a dead end.

A Therapist does not offer a decision, they offer several options for you to choose what to do.

The therapist helps a person find the right option for themselves and the strengths to take responsibility for this choice.

A Therapist helps find a way to improve a quality of life.

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